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Zayon offers an uncomplicated approach to explore your data with ease and identify valuable opportunities that drive the growth of your business. Our solution allows you to make strategic decisions with total confidence and assertiveness, putting you in control of your future.

Strategic decisions just a click away!

More results, less effort

Moisés, our artificial intelligence-powered robot guide, helps you simplify data analysis and provides an in-depth understanding of your business. Say goodbye to long hours of manually searching for data, complex analysis and hard-to-understand graphs. Moisés gives you the information you need, in the palm of your hand.

Make your decisions based on concrete data, predictive analysis and powerful recommendations, leaving intuition to the amateurs. Our advanced technology uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to enhance your financial and operational strategies, protecting your business against unexpected losses and optimizing your financial health.

Actions guided by artificial intelligence and machine learning
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In a data-driven world, ordinary companies settle for the ordinary. Visionary leaders like you dominate the future with smart decisions.

The 1st company in Brazil

Data, beyond the obvious.

At Zayon, our commitment to opening up data-driven horizons for business growth transcends conventional boundaries. Our journey begins with the founders' difficulty in mining data with simplicity and agility to generate knowledge.  This experience shaped our unique approach and inspired the creation of user-friendly and accessible solutions to facilitate data understanding and decision-making, based on applied research in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), data science and engineering.

Zayon's history

Main Industries




Financial and Accounting

Retail and Consumer Goods

And much more!

We serve all industries. 

Boost your data, whatever your sector!

We see data not as static entities, but as carriers of unlimited potential. Our innovative approach, rooted in proprietary algorithms that are the fruit of intensive scientific research, transcends the traditional view of data analysis and interpretation. Here, intelligence knows no limits and every piece of data is an opportunity for better results. Take advantage!

Intelligent Decision Support System

Our solution.


Tips from our experts to help you make the most of your data.

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