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Intelligent Decision Support System

Connecting data to decision making

Our advanced technology uses artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science and engineering to provide actionable suggestions based on your data. Gain a deep understanding of your business, make informed decisions based on hard data and achieve sustainable, profitable growth. 

Journey of AI-driven decisions

Value and relevance 

Amount of information

Performance and results

Zayon's AI

Moisés Robot

A multi-purpose engine that performs advanced data mining and analysis techniques, using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, to quickly and accurately uncover hidden information from massive data sets automatically.
Our Robot is trained to identify patterns and trends in the data, discover relationships between different variables, classify information into categories and even predict future results based on the information available.

It is behind our Intelligent Decision Support System that runs Zayon AI-Driven Decision Making. He does all the data mining and analysis for decision making for you. Its specialty is performing analysis on a much larger and more precise scale than would be possible for a human being in fractions of the time.

​To find out our prices, contact our team.

Subscription Plans

Historical analysis;
Predictive analysis;
Up to 5 users;
500GB of storage.

Cash flow analysis


Sensitivity analysis;
 Risk management;
 Up to 50 users;
 Up to 2 Tb of storage.

Professional Tools and:

 Analysis of sales patterns and trends;
 Forecasting sales demands;
 Scenario analysis;
 Up to 25 users;
 Up to 1 Tb of storage.

Starter Tools and:

Join the companies that are already revolutionizing their operations with Decision Intelligence.

Discover the unlimited potential of your data with Zayon.
Turn raw data into action, simplify your decision-making and propel your company into the future.

No more just controlling your operation!


With ZAYON, you maximize your returns, optimize profitability and achieve the lasting financial sustainability you've always dreamed of. Our powerful Decision Intelligence solution combines:

Allows you to review past financial cash flow events, provides an in-depth understanding of the company's performance and previous decisions.

A brighter future for your company

Discover the benefits of Zayon AI-Driven Decision Making:

Precise and actionable suggestions

Receive personalized recommendations to increase your profit margin, reduce costs and make smart investment decisions.

Complete overview of your business

Get an in-depth analysis of your operation and identify opportunities for savings and revenue maximization.

Full control over your finances

Make strategic decisions based on concrete data and eliminate the uncertainty of your financial future.

Sustainable and profitable growth.

Achieve your goals in a solid and lasting way, boosting the success of your business.


A complete range of tools to improve your company's financial health. With historical analysis, optimization and simulation, you'll have a complete overview of your financial performance and receive suggestions for actions to avoid debt and increase your margin.


A set of powerful tools for accurately forecasting demand and cash flow, allowing you to make strategic decisions based on hard data. With Horizon, you'll have the future of your business in your hands!


Demo of the Cash Optimization tool > EZ.FLOW module.
Note: The data shown in the demo video is fictitious and has been created for illustrative purposes only. We fully respect the data protection laws and regulations in force.

ZAYON's GodLens module offers innovative tools for optimizing stock and ensuring the efficient management of your products. With features such as stock simulation, ABC curve analysis, ideal stock analysis and product substitution prediction, you will have total control over your stock levels, avoid losses, improve stock turnover and increase profitability.


Evaluate the return on investment of each project or investment, with a focus on preventing losses and reducing risks. With SolvSafe Pro, you can identify safer investment opportunities and make strategic decisions to protect your company's assets.

SolvSafe Pro

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